Find, prepare and land your dream job

We've helped over 1,000 people find their path in tech and land their dream job without needing to code. Let's do the same for you.

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Our mission is to challenge the notion that coding is the only path to building a career in tech. We want to help people learn, prepare for, and secure fulfilling careers in this other side of tech

Joana and Roxanne, TechTalk

About us

Roxanne has been working in SaaS for +4 years. She has interviewed and received offers from some of the biggest tech companies, such as Google, Salesforce, HubSpot and many more.

Joana has been working in tech companies for over 5 years, where she is now managing her own team in a fintech company.She has interviewed hundreds of marketers, sales reps and even higher senior executives, and in this process learned what makes a great candidate.

They have both helped hundreds of professionals land their dream jobs using their community called TechTalk. With our expert guidance, they can ensure that your profile stands out to recruiters and hiring managers, increasing your chances of getting noticed and landing your next big opportunity.

  • Chris H.

    I was applying to a lot of companies in the past few months but wasn't hearing back from them. I was close to giving up and that's when I found TechTalk. I checked out their CV templates and saw how much I could improve my CV! After making some changes I've had 5 interviews so far, in an ongoing process with 3 of them!

  • Terri, M.

    I work in retail sales and really wanted to do something else in my career but wasn't sure what I could do with my skills and not having much experience. I got on a call with Joana at TechTalk and she helped me identify which path to follow, reviewing both my CV and Linkedin!

  • Emma, P.

    Amazing resources! I’m a recent graduate and never managed to get past the 1st stage, the feedback was always “You don’t have enough experience”. After reading through "Answering Interview Questions" and doing LOTS of practice, I got more and more comfortable with every interview, finally landing my first role in tech.

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